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Portable Package Management

pkgsrc is a framework for building over 25,000 open source software packages. It is the native package manager on SmartOS, NetBSD, and Minix, and is portable across 23 different operating systems. Use one package manager across all of your systems!

MNX Cloud provide binary packages for SmartOS/illumos, macOS, Linux, and NetBSD.

Install Binary Packages

We provide the pkgin binary package manager with our bootstrap kits, making it easy to search for, install, and upgrade binary packages. If you are used to apt-get or yum on Linux it should feel very familiar.

Build From Source

If you prefer you can build packages from source, perhaps to use different package options or CFLAGS. No problem! One simple command automatically downloads, builds, and installs everything required - even dependencies!

Create New Packages

If a package you want isn't available yet, it's easy to create it. Packages are driven by a simple Makefile, tools are available to make creating new packages easy, and there is infrastructure built-in to handle many portability issues.

# pkgin -y upgrade
# pkgin search ffmpeg
ffmpeg6-6.1.1   Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v6.x)
ffmpeg7-7.0     Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v7.x)
# pkgin install ffmpeg7
# vi /opt/pkg/etc/mk.conf.local
PKG_OPTIONS.ffmpeg7+=   fdk-aac x265
CFLAGS+=                -O3
# cd pkgsrc/multimedia/ffmpeg7
# bmake install
# mkdir misc/foo
# cd misc/foo
# url2pkg http://si.te/foo-1.0.tar.gz
# vi Makefile
# bmake install


Our primary platform is SmartOS, but our packages are portable across illumos distributions. They are built nightly from pkgsrc trunk for SmartOS, OmniOS, OpenIndiana, and Tribblix.


For macOS we offer the latest packages built for Monterey or newer. For those on older releases we have archived package sets built for Big Sur, Sierra, Mavericks, and 32-bit Snow Leopard.


Our Linux packages are built on CentOS 6 and 7 for distributions based on RedHat Enterprise Linux. They provide a useful companion to the default set of available RPM packages.


We also offer daily builds of pkgsrc trunk for NetBSD 10.0/amd64. They are provided for users and developers to run the latest packages without having to wait for the next branch.